Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mama's Recipes

Favorite family recipes are hard to compete with. They are more than just physical food. They are emotional food as well. They carry special memories of the face of the cook who served you the recipe, and remind us of long forgotten stories of family members who are no longer with us.
No... there's no competing with something called "Divinity", or "Sand Tarts", or ... "Comfort Icing".

I've scanned a few of our family favorites and you can download them by clicking on the recipe card. ENJOY !

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Wedding - Part Two

Matthew and Annette's wedding was held on October 27th in McAllen Texas. The weather was gorgeous and the day was filled with such excitement and joy. Although only twelve of Matthew's close relatives could make it, he had a multitude of friends there, and along with Annette's family and friends there were 350 people by the time the reception rolled around! What a celebration!

The wedding rehearsal dinner was particularly special because during that time, each of the couple's fathers stood and gave a blessing to the couple, and told a few stories about their child and the couple; then the rest of the crowd followed suit, and there was a wonderful sense of God's sovereignty and plan that brought this couple together to be married.

The wedding was wonderful, and everything went smoothly during the ceremony. Of course the children in the wedding were especially cute, too. Everything was perfect! We were blessed with beautiful weather for the outdoor reception, and there was music and dancing - and our last moments with the married couple before they left to spend a week together in Lake Tahoe. Every moment seemed super-charged with emotion for me, and I think I barely made it through the dance with my son without tearing up. Their cakes were lovely and the dinner meal provided by the parents of the bride was wonderful. Belia did a wonderful job of carrying through with the plans she and her daughter had made.

Several humorous stories continue to be told about the feeling of love in the air that night. Even Brandon the youngest boy in the wedding got his taste of love as he was chased about all evening by Sylvia's daughter! It was so pleasant to spend time with so many wonderful people, all celebrating the fact that God brought together these two, Matthew and Annette, and that He would be blessing their marriage. The day was over so quickly that we couldn't believe it was time for the young married couple to make their exit. The outdoor evening scene as they left their reception was one of happiness and joy!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Wedding - Part One

This year's most memorable event will have been Matthew and Annette's wedding. Their wedding was held in McAllen TX where Annette grew up. For us, the trip to get there was almost as interesting as the days we were in McAllen. I'll be adding photos and other descriptions of the wedding soon. Keep checking on me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"Joy is not gush. Joy is not mere jolliness.
Joy is perfect acquiescence
~ acceptance, rest ~
in God's will, whatever comes."

Amy Carmichael (1867-1951)

The theme of my life is to continue to be that of JOY. This theme has grown in my life over the past 15 years... beginning at the beginning, with Elisabeth Elliot and "Gateway to JOY". She truly characterized a life to strive for, as she led her missionary life under the control of Christ Jesus, then when others would take on retirement, Elisabeth took on the role of teaching the "younger women" to be godly women. Her radio broadcasts reached me as a stay-at-home mother beginning around 1990 or 1992.
The joy of the Lord is your strength"
As the youngest of our three sons, Dave's life has caused me to grow spiritually - drawing closer to the Lord Jesus. He gives example of the Bible verses which state that we are to "rejoice in the Lord always".

Throughout my blog, I will be journaling about JOY, and the many facets of joy represented in my life. Everyday posts are too much for me, but when I can find the time, this will be representative of my current activities, thoughts, prayers and dreams.

This is a photo book - go ahead, take a look!