Congratulations, Annette and Matthew!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
You are two of the 5 most special persons in our lives... and we send our love and support to you both! Babies born to you two wonderful people will no doubt become such a blessing to us in the future...while we two grandparents(!) just sit and smile knowingly at each other from across the room.
Although we were surprised to hear this news, this kind of a surprise brings a giddiness with it. Oh, what a delight! WE are going to have TWO grandchildren born in October!!!!! Both Matthew and Justin are now fathers, FATHERS! This is something that brings such a happiness to us as their parents!! We have found ourselves in love with our two daughters-in-law, anyway - but NOW... Well, NOW we are just about to burst with love for them and for the babies that they are carrying!!
Annette said that her doctor put the due date for their baby tentatively on October 27th, which is ironically their 1st wedding anniversary. I can't BEGIN to imagine the way their minds must be scrambling to grasp the reality of how fast life can move forward. (These two lovebirds have been married just about 4 months.)
Mike and I reacted with much JOY at the news of our SECOND grandchild on its way to joining our family. We are praying for this tiny little baby in Houston, and for its cousin in Weatherford... that the Lord who loves us so much will richly bless the lives of the children, and all those whose lives will be touched by these children.
You know, we weren't expecting to have grandchildren this year. And we never expected to be welcoming TWO grandbabies into our family within the same year... much less during the SAME month of the year!!! SO... in getting the "surprising" news this week, we have encountered a DOUBLE BLESSING from the Lord! And we now are joyfully anticipating that we will include TWO grandchildren in our family in October!