Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Have a lot going on in my life and have avoided the blog for a long time... but today I was reminded that I need to get back to it!

This "thankful list" is an ongoing converrsation that I've been having with myself and with God...

Today I am thankful especially for the love that God has for us, and that He sent His Son to save us, and that Jesus is indeed our Redeemer - we owe everything to Him! 

I'm also quite thankful today that God preserved his Word, the Bible, in such a way that all of us (including ME) can have a copy of our own - to hold with our own hands and to read with with our own eyes. 

Thankful for all that the Lord has blessed me with...
and realizing that I will NEVER be finished with this list!

"I rejoice at your word
like one who finds great spoil."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The JOY in having a growing family...

The last several weeks have been filled with great times for our family. Justin and Rachel brought Megan to visit last week for a week-long visit; Matthew and Annette did this a few weeks earlier. Uncle Dave loved having his nephew and the nieces here! (not to mention Granny and Granddaddy's swell of excitement!)


Sophie is a little sweetheart!   She began to CRAWL just before her 7-month birthday! She can really move it along, and is cheered on by her parents and her big brother Austin. What a sparkle in her eyes as she stops and sits up, turning back to see "if you were watching me"!  Her other latest talent is to "say no" with her head, in the method taught her by Austin.   See the videos here.
Sophie, you have given us great delight, and we can't wait to see what you learn next!

Megan is a little learner - and is eager to share her knowledge as well.  At just 21-mo-old Megan taught Uncle Dave a new thing which he tried out today. :)  Dave loves to be on the screened porch as often and long as we will allow it. He prefers to have "alone time" out there, so we allow it. He can come and go as he pleases - but today had more difficulty than usual getting his body to respond to his brain's command to twist-and-push simultaneously - so he felt "stuck" out there.
I was swapping laundry loads and heard someone knocking at the door. I rushed to the front door, but no one there. However, at the french door to the screened porch, I saw my youngest son, standing and knocking on the window pane - just as he had observed his niece Megan this past week. THANK YOU Megan! We knew you three cousins would start teaching Uncle Dave a few tricks - we just didn't know who would "go first"! Megan was the FIRST winner! : )  
Megan showed us the side of her personality that loves to tease... she is so imaginative!  Megan was also talking a great deal more on this trip, and strung together words in 2- and 3-word sentences.  Going to be a communicator like her Daddy - but in almost every other way she reminds me of her lovely and talented  mother. 
Megan, you are a precious, interactive teacher and entertainer! : )  Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next time!  : )

21-mo-old Austin is quite the dude this month. What a great grandson he is! Bright eyes and smile ALL THE TIME, and so loving towards his baby sister! He's an all-around good sport. I love it! In the last few days he showed us a neat trick of his own, showing special ability. His Daddy, Granddaddy and I were talking via Skype... hoping for Granny to catch a glimpse of Sophie doing her thing, CRAWLING. The two computers and the stretch of connections and Internet between us were NOT cooperating, and so we had to hang it up - giving up on my great desire to SEE Sophie traveling on all fours. Granddaddy went to the kitchen to get some ice water, and Granny(me) stayed in the LR with our laptop. Within 5 minutes, we got a call on Skype... FROM OUR GRANDSON AUSTIN!!!! Daddy was in another room with Sophie, and had left his laptop there in Sophie and Austin's playroom...  and...   AUSTIN CALLED GRANNY BACK !!!      WOO HOO!!! What excitement around here! the two of us "talked" for about 2 minutes before his Daddy came in from the other room and caught us!
Austin, I hope you didn't get in too much trouble.    : )  Tell Daddy you are going to be as interested in computers as he always was!

I could never explain with words how much these three grandchildren and our interactions mean to me... so I won't waste the words here. These were just highlights of the past few weeks - I just had to brag! : )

Sophie - 6.5 months old

Megan - 21 months old

Austin - 21 months old

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

As always I feel overwhelmed by the task of listing a "peek through the window" view of what I'm truly thankful for. This week's list is short aside from the MOST important thing I'm thankful for: God... and all that He is!

The only other thing on my thankful list this week is:
  • the way that God chooses to and does use people (that we know or don't know... closest of friends or the ones we try so hard not to like)... He uses people to speak truths into my life, grabbing my attention and pointing me back to Him where I get a directional change for my day, my thoughts, my LIFE!

"Your ears will hear a word behind you,
"This is the way, walk in it,"
whenever you turn to the right or to the left."

Isaiah 30:21   NASB

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm so thankful for God's provision for me, for the reality of the Savior's love for me, and for the encouragement of the Holy Spirit. Our God is gracious towards us.

This week, I am also thankful for:
  • people with medical training
  • people with patience
  • people who pray purposely
  • people who smile broadly
  • sunshine
  • chocolate

"Honor all people,
love the brotherhood,
fear God,
honor the king."

I Peter 2:17 NASB

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I've been sharing my list of things for which I'm thankful, piece by piece, as I become aware (or newly-aware) of them. The list grows far more rapidly than I can record, but once again, on Thursday, I'm posting a bit of the list that is most currently on my mind.

Thankfulness begins with the acknowledgement and recognition of the one true God. There is no valid thankfulness or gratitude without this awareness. So, here goes the list for this week...

I'm so thankful this week...

  • that there is a God and LORD over all - I am an infinitesimally small speck, in the big picture
  • that He beckons me to come to Him, to know Him -even though I'm so small
  • that He alone gives all things - I have nothing that didn't come from Him
  • that He grants forgiveness - whenever I ask, admitting failure and turning back
  • that He LOVES unendingly- and shows ME how to love, giving me relationships with both loveable and those harder-to-love people
  • that He allows me to recognize the blessings of:
    family and friends, "health" and "home", sunshine and rain.

Lyrics Tommy Walker lyrics - Only A God Like You lyrics

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


All of my grandchildren are full of personality! Such precious personalities, at that! The thing that really tickles me though, is how DIFFERENT these three are in their personalities! Yes, similarities. Yes, even Allison-family traits showing through at times. But they all have separate personalities, and this makes each one separately special to this Granny!

Austin is a bundle of personality! At 16 months old (21st of the month)... Austin is a wild man! Haha! He's a shy guy! Really, he's both! Austin's got a sparkly, bubbly, parent-loving, sister-hugging kind of a personality. He is a people-person - longing to be with others and to interact with others... all the time!! He is smart, but too busy having fun to show off for anyone. Austin is just GREAT! Love my grandson, our "little-biggie-guy"!

Megan is bursting with personality! At 16 months old (24th of the month)... Megan is an confident creature! She is!! She is a fashionista on training wheels! Haha! Megan has a spunky, assertive, Mommy-mimicking, Daddy-adoring, playful kind of a personality. She is a busy little person - always working on something, or inviting others to do something with or for her. She just doesn't sit still - except for story time! Loves books, looking and being read to... what a little learner! Megan is just PRECIOUS! Love my granddaughter, our "precious princess"!

Sophie is beginning to bloom with personality, too! At 2 1/2 months old (3mo on the 9th of March),... Sophie is a quiet baby. That's for now. Haha! She is developing her personality, more and more every day - with smiles and sweet sounds that go with the sweet expressions on her face. Sophie is a beautiful baby and she loves Austin's attention. Even when he gets carried away, she seems to know everything is alright because he's her big brother. Sophie is just SO SWEET! Love my granddaughter, our "sweet baby princess"!

Missing them across the miles... this "every two months" thing is just not getting it for me. I've turned into a gushy, wistful, almost-sappy sort of a grandparent. Who knew that being a Granny was going to be so life-altering?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sophie is here!

Thinking of my grandchildren again... this time at 12:30 AM.
These three beautiful little children have had a huge impact upon my life, already - and they have just begun to live!

Isn't Sophie adorable?
Here she's only 3 weeks old.

In the wee hours this morning, words just aren't adequate for what I'm feeling... so I'll continue posting pictures, this time "family" pictures.

Justin and Rachel, with Megan
December 2009

Matthew and Annette, with Austin and Sophie
December of 2009

I love my growing family!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Megan walks!

So... I'm a bit behind in getting my blog up-dated, but I'm not going to give it up.

The bragging
about my grandchildren
continues... : )

My oldest granddaughter was born only 3 days after my grandson in 2008 - and they have both grown and learned SO much!!! Last week I posted Austin crawling (he did it first) - THIS week the video is of Megan walking, or wanting to. Megan began to walk alone a few days before Austin began his crawling.

MY grandchildren are SO SMART!!! They are both 15 1/2 months old now, and are REALLY getting around and doing so many MORE things! And Baby Sophie who just turned 2 months old is going to want to catch up with them just as soon as she can! : )

Here's MEGAN, at about 6 months old...


Friday, January 29, 2010

Austin - crawls!

I've had so many irons in the fire, and haven't given enough attention to my blog to make myself happy. I'm not going to vow to make amends for that or say that I won't be writing a similar blog note again in the future. No promises being made here.

I plan to show off my grandchildren... and what better way to do that than to insert a video here and there! TODAY... take a look at a video of Austin, my grandson and firstborn grandchild! He was about 6 1/2 months old. : )

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm forever thankful for the grace of God's love for me, Jesus coming to save me, and the Holy Spirit guiding me.

I'm also thankful today for...
  • awareness of God's presence
  • sunshine peeking out from behind the clouds
  • the privilege of voting for government representatives
  • an abundance of opportunities
  • caregiving situations for our son
  • freedom to share about God
  • God's promise to provide for me always
  • prayerful friends
  • Skype conversations with my grandchildren
  • paved roads between Alabama and Texas! : )
