Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I've been sharing my list of things for which I'm thankful, piece by piece, as I become aware (or newly-aware) of them. The list grows far more rapidly than I can record, but once again, on Thursday, I'm posting a bit of the list that is most currently on my mind.

Thankfulness begins with the acknowledgement and recognition of the one true God. There is no valid thankfulness or gratitude without this awareness. So, here goes the list for this week...

I'm so thankful this week...

  • that there is a God and LORD over all - I am an infinitesimally small speck, in the big picture
  • that He beckons me to come to Him, to know Him -even though I'm so small
  • that He alone gives all things - I have nothing that didn't come from Him
  • that He grants forgiveness - whenever I ask, admitting failure and turning back
  • that He LOVES unendingly- and shows ME how to love, giving me relationships with both loveable and those harder-to-love people
  • that He allows me to recognize the blessings of:
    family and friends, "health" and "home", sunshine and rain.

Lyrics Tommy Walker lyrics - Only A God Like You lyrics

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


All of my grandchildren are full of personality! Such precious personalities, at that! The thing that really tickles me though, is how DIFFERENT these three are in their personalities! Yes, similarities. Yes, even Allison-family traits showing through at times. But they all have separate personalities, and this makes each one separately special to this Granny!

Austin is a bundle of personality! At 16 months old (21st of the month)... Austin is a wild man! Haha! He's a shy guy! Really, he's both! Austin's got a sparkly, bubbly, parent-loving, sister-hugging kind of a personality. He is a people-person - longing to be with others and to interact with others... all the time!! He is smart, but too busy having fun to show off for anyone. Austin is just GREAT! Love my grandson, our "little-biggie-guy"!

Megan is bursting with personality! At 16 months old (24th of the month)... Megan is an confident creature! She is!! She is a fashionista on training wheels! Haha! Megan has a spunky, assertive, Mommy-mimicking, Daddy-adoring, playful kind of a personality. She is a busy little person - always working on something, or inviting others to do something with or for her. She just doesn't sit still - except for story time! Loves books, looking and being read to... what a little learner! Megan is just PRECIOUS! Love my granddaughter, our "precious princess"!

Sophie is beginning to bloom with personality, too! At 2 1/2 months old (3mo on the 9th of March),... Sophie is a quiet baby. That's for now. Haha! She is developing her personality, more and more every day - with smiles and sweet sounds that go with the sweet expressions on her face. Sophie is a beautiful baby and she loves Austin's attention. Even when he gets carried away, she seems to know everything is alright because he's her big brother. Sophie is just SO SWEET! Love my granddaughter, our "sweet baby princess"!

Missing them across the miles... this "every two months" thing is just not getting it for me. I've turned into a gushy, wistful, almost-sappy sort of a grandparent. Who knew that being a Granny was going to be so life-altering?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sophie is here!

Thinking of my grandchildren again... this time at 12:30 AM.
These three beautiful little children have had a huge impact upon my life, already - and they have just begun to live!

Isn't Sophie adorable?
Here she's only 3 weeks old.

In the wee hours this morning, words just aren't adequate for what I'm feeling... so I'll continue posting pictures, this time "family" pictures.

Justin and Rachel, with Megan
December 2009

Matthew and Annette, with Austin and Sophie
December of 2009

I love my growing family!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Megan walks!

So... I'm a bit behind in getting my blog up-dated, but I'm not going to give it up.

The bragging
about my grandchildren
continues... : )

My oldest granddaughter was born only 3 days after my grandson in 2008 - and they have both grown and learned SO much!!! Last week I posted Austin crawling (he did it first) - THIS week the video is of Megan walking, or wanting to. Megan began to walk alone a few days before Austin began his crawling.

MY grandchildren are SO SMART!!! They are both 15 1/2 months old now, and are REALLY getting around and doing so many MORE things! And Baby Sophie who just turned 2 months old is going to want to catch up with them just as soon as she can! : )

Here's MEGAN, at about 6 months old...
