Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Sunday, August 30, 2009


This week we are anticipating a trip out to visit our sons' families. We've confirmed that we will visit our oldest son's family, and are hopeful about the chances that our middle son and his family will join us there.

What a treasure our sons are, and what Wonderful Treasures their wives are!! And then... there's the inexpressible joy of being with our grandchildren! No one could have prepared us for this!

These photos are not exactly current ... but are a couple of my favorites.

Our precious granddaughter,
Megan Ashley

Our adorable and active grandson,
Austin David

Born only 3 days apart...
These two lively cousins love every minute together!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Though I'll never be able to list all the things I am or have become thankful for, I'm listing a few again today. No amount of thankfulness nor any of the items on my list would exist without the presence of our holy God. So I'm thankful, first of all, that He exists and has made Himself known to men - and particularly to THIS woman.

Furthermore, I am thankful for:

~ a reliable vehicle
~ the ability to taste and differentiate between flavors
~ variety as opposed to continual samenesss
~ lunch break with my hubby
~ that my toe problem of last year is now past history
~ books
~ friends
~ and family

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever".

Psalm 136:1


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday... August 19, 2009

For today...

Outside my window...
Tomatoes and marigolds, shaded by large oaks.

I am thinking...
How wonderful it is to have shade trees!

I am thankful for...
My fun-loving, hard-working husband.

From the kitchen...
We have been enjoying sliced,
home-grown cucumbers! Cool!

I am wearing...
Comfortable cool cotton top, dark denim jeans...
and my AU flipflops!

I am hoping...
Tomatoes ripen!

I am creating...
Photo stories.

I am praying...
For my children's children...
that they'd come to know The One True GOD.

Around the house...
Dishwasher and laundry machines, earning their keep.
Dinner plans to make. Phone calls to schedule.

One fave thing...
Rose bushes planted by hubby,
bursting with red blooms! :)

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Sleeping in on Fun Friday.
Walking with my hubby.
A Terrific Transition to new ISP. :)
Reading on the shady screened porch.
Talking with my children and grandchildren...
thanks to technology!

A picture to share...

We had this view 24 hours a day...
from our balcony at the beach last week! :)

With much JOY!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday... missing my grandchildren

It's hard living so far from my grandchildren. But thankfully, we do make it out to Texas several times a year. I can't wait until the next trip!

Here are my adorable grandchildren...
Austin and Megan