Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Sunday, August 30, 2009


This week we are anticipating a trip out to visit our sons' families. We've confirmed that we will visit our oldest son's family, and are hopeful about the chances that our middle son and his family will join us there.

What a treasure our sons are, and what Wonderful Treasures their wives are!! And then... there's the inexpressible joy of being with our grandchildren! No one could have prepared us for this!

These photos are not exactly current ... but are a couple of my favorites.

Our precious granddaughter,
Megan Ashley

Our adorable and active grandson,
Austin David

Born only 3 days apart...
These two lively cousins love every minute together!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mom we are excited about seeing you soon! Megan is going to be ready for books, hugs, and kisses! Maybe even some tickling!

BTW - Rachel and I will be married 7yrs at the end of the month, you might want to update the caption under our picture :)