Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Grandchildren... a slice of my life!

My grandchildren live far from me. It's not my fault but I'm dealing with it. (haha!) Every Sunday, I find myself a quiet hour or so to study my grandbabies' pictures... and relive the moments I "got to" spend with them.

Here's a couple from the vault. They are not new, but were special moments just the same!

MEGAN - peeking out her window to see the cat!
( a picture from our visit just before her 1st birthday)

AUSTIN - gathering candy
(another picture from his 1st birthday party)

Granny's prayer...

Dear Lord, please keep these two (and baby Sophie too) safe and protected in your care. Help them to grow up knowing and loving you - even more than they know and love the cat and fun with friends.
Thank you for such sweet times!
Give their mommies and their daddies strength and energy to do the hard work of parenting. And give us more moments together, throughout their joy-filled lives!

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