Three Grandchildren

Three Grandchildren
Austin @14 months, Megan @14 months, and Sophie @1 month

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Grandchildren... a slice of my life!

My grandchildren live far from me. It's not my fault but I'm dealing with it. (haha!) Every Sunday, I find myself a quiet hour or so to study my grandbabies' pictures... and relive the moments I "got to" spend with them.

Here's a couple from the vault. They are not new, but were special moments just the same!

MEGAN - peeking out her window to see the cat!
( a picture from our visit just before her 1st birthday)

AUSTIN - gathering candy
(another picture from his 1st birthday party)

Granny's prayer...

Dear Lord, please keep these two (and baby Sophie too) safe and protected in your care. Help them to grow up knowing and loving you - even more than they know and love the cat and fun with friends.
Thank you for such sweet times!
Give their mommies and their daddies strength and energy to do the hard work of parenting. And give us more moments together, throughout their joy-filled lives!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for...

- a skilled rehab physical therapist for my back problems

- time available to go do the 2-hour therapy sessions

- a reliable vehicle and money for the gas it needs

- son David's gentle spirit

- my husband's support

- prayer partners and friends who care

- HOPE, for all pending solutions in my life

- God's provision for everything in my life


Thursday, October 29, 2009

(daybook) October 29, 2009

(daybook) For today...

Outside my window...
Fall leaves on the trees and on the ground...
just golds and browns this year.

I am thinking...
How much faster I could get things done
if I weren't nearing "my birthyear" in age.

I am thankful for...
a few days of sunny weather!

From the kitchen...
We're eating a lot of salads
and topping them with seafood or chicken.
I can't take credit for any of those ingredients. : )

I am wearing...
Black jogging pants, green top,
and tennis shoes (doctor's orders!)

I am hoping..
for sunshine

I am creating...
less clutter

I am praying...
for financial needs of the special needs ministry at my church.

Around the house...
Dinner simmering in the crockpot,
dehydrator humming away preserving fruits,
and... papers and bills sorted, awaiting filing.

One fave thing...
my marigolds planted in the SPRING,
have finally come into full bloom!

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Trip to visit sons' Grandma,
conversations with hubby on the short road trip,
some free time on Friday,
more physical therapy, music on the iPod!

A picture to share...
"My Three Sons" - about 2 months ago

With much JOY!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Musings...

Things I like…
in no particular order

♥ ~ flowers ~the color pink, particularly rose-pink~ hot tea ~ creaky rocking chairs ~ all sorts of music ~beautiful papers ~scent of vanilla extract ~words~ soft cuddly blankets or throws ~ little girl's hairbows ~my hubby~special old greeting cards~good friends~ folding clothes ~ textured things ~comfy sweaters ~fluffy pillows~computer communications~bare feet~ my camera ~ photographs of my grandbabies~fonts ~warm fuzzy socks ~ crepe myrtles ~ art museums~ ceiling fans ~ the smell of freshly laundered sheets ~children’s books ~lilies and irises ~ Mexican food ~ cinnamon toast ~ scenic paintings ~ sensible shoes ~colorful scrapbooking papers ~roses ~springtime~ old afghans made by my Grannies ~journals ~coffee ~videos of Austin and Megan ~ brownies ~peonies~ the crinkled pages in my Bible at my favorite verses ~wonderful women who are my sons’ wives~reading~ shady pathways ~ the sound of the wind in the trees ~labels on things ~shades of pink ~ Thanksgiving~ vintage family quilts ~ gazing into another’s eyes ~puzzles ~children’s smiles ~old porch swings~ family meals ~ handwritten personal letters ~VBS ~reading~ good conversation ~well written books ~ 3/4 length sleeves ~bookshelves~ my family photos ~ my three grown sons ~ homemade banana bread~ old books ~ my grandbabies(Have I mentioned that?) ~Christmas ornaments~hand-crafted greeting cards~ family heirloom china~big hugs ~traditional furniture ~ a loving God, a loving Savior, and the Word of God ♥

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sonshine Sunday

It's Sunday, and I'm writing again. I've been away from blogging for a bit, mostly just distracted by my new role as a grandmother. We have been busy going to Texas as often as we can, and I have just not posted here as often as I thought I would. But today, I have decided I just HAVE to update this blog. After all, BOTH of fmy grandbabies had their first birthdays' last week!!!!

Austin had his birthday party a few days ahead of the actual birthday in order for both grandparents to be able to attend. Belia and Tony, and Mike and I, attended the special party held for Austin at the park. Grampa Tony even provided the piƱata ! There was a lot of excitement, and many little baseball-shaped cupcakes !! Austin celebrated again with his parents on his birthdate October 21st. I heard that day was also very special.

Megan's birthday was this past Saturday, but we squeezed in a visit early... on last Sunday. Megan enjoyed the wrappings of the gifts almost as much as the gifts themselves. We hated to leave to come home, but duty demanded it. Megan had a wonderful birthday trip to the zoo on Saturday morning with her parents to celebrate her first year of life. Judging by her Daddy's video, I'm sure she had a wonderful time!

Pictures can say much more than words sometimes...
so here are a few taken in the last two months:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thankful List, on Saturday...

Life was hectic this week at our house... and I almost forgot to post my weekly Thankful List. Can't get away with that!!!!

So, in addition to the major grattitudes I've posted before... THIS WEEK, I'm so thankful for...

  • doctors for David and the ability to be SEEN by them when we need to
  • a husband with whom to share life's ups and downs
  • sons... And wives for our sons!
  • the amazing JOY in having grandchildren!
  • options in life, and choices to make
  • the overwhelming truth that... Jesus loved me enough to die on the cross, covering my sins with His righteousness! Truly there aren't any words to fully describe that!

"Beyond all these things put on love,
which is the perfect bond of unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful."

Colossians 3: 14-15 NAS


Sunday, August 30, 2009


This week we are anticipating a trip out to visit our sons' families. We've confirmed that we will visit our oldest son's family, and are hopeful about the chances that our middle son and his family will join us there.

What a treasure our sons are, and what Wonderful Treasures their wives are!! And then... there's the inexpressible joy of being with our grandchildren! No one could have prepared us for this!

These photos are not exactly current ... but are a couple of my favorites.

Our precious granddaughter,
Megan Ashley

Our adorable and active grandson,
Austin David

Born only 3 days apart...
These two lively cousins love every minute together!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Though I'll never be able to list all the things I am or have become thankful for, I'm listing a few again today. No amount of thankfulness nor any of the items on my list would exist without the presence of our holy God. So I'm thankful, first of all, that He exists and has made Himself known to men - and particularly to THIS woman.

Furthermore, I am thankful for:

~ a reliable vehicle
~ the ability to taste and differentiate between flavors
~ variety as opposed to continual samenesss
~ lunch break with my hubby
~ that my toe problem of last year is now past history
~ books
~ friends
~ and family

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever".

Psalm 136:1


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday... August 19, 2009

For today...

Outside my window...
Tomatoes and marigolds, shaded by large oaks.

I am thinking...
How wonderful it is to have shade trees!

I am thankful for...
My fun-loving, hard-working husband.

From the kitchen...
We have been enjoying sliced,
home-grown cucumbers! Cool!

I am wearing...
Comfortable cool cotton top, dark denim jeans...
and my AU flipflops!

I am hoping...
Tomatoes ripen!

I am creating...
Photo stories.

I am praying...
For my children's children...
that they'd come to know The One True GOD.

Around the house...
Dishwasher and laundry machines, earning their keep.
Dinner plans to make. Phone calls to schedule.

One fave thing...
Rose bushes planted by hubby,
bursting with red blooms! :)

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Sleeping in on Fun Friday.
Walking with my hubby.
A Terrific Transition to new ISP. :)
Reading on the shady screened porch.
Talking with my children and grandchildren...
thanks to technology!

A picture to share...

We had this view 24 hours a day...
from our balcony at the beach last week! :)

With much JOY!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday... missing my grandchildren

It's hard living so far from my grandchildren. But thankfully, we do make it out to Texas several times a year. I can't wait until the next trip!

Here are my adorable grandchildren...
Austin and Megan


Monday, July 20, 2009


We spent some joyful times visiting with our grandchildren during June and July.
Here are a few of our memories...

Could there be anything sweeter?

Austin David (8 mo)
Megan Ashley (8 mo)

Austin gets a lot of attention!

Megan loves people and is always expressing herself!

Austin loves everything in life, and tries to experience it all!

What a sweetheart!

Megan is a precious doll!

What a joy!

The grandbabies are both quite the entertainers, and these two grandparents just cannot seem to get enough of either of them!! They are loved so very very much!

We can barely wait until our third grandchild arrives in December!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful every day of my life. I can't claim that I have ALWAYS been. But what I can say is that NOW, and for the past few years(possibly up to ten or so), that I AM thankful. A hard-to-learn lesson, but one worth considering, is that thankful people are those aware of what has been given to them. None of us "deserve" anything - but the Lord God has blessed all of us in some ways. I want to be responsible - reminding myself each week that I AM thankful, and for which things I am newly (or supremely) thankful.

So THIS WEEK, I am especially thankful for...

1) my Lord's love and care for me
2) an awareness of my surroundings, made possible by my Lord
3) an awareness of the depth of my inabilities
4) an awareness that there are depths of his unfathomable greatness that I shall NEVER know this side of heaven
5) the rain and the sunshine, alternately blessing
6) my copy of God's Word, the Bible
7) friendships that He has granted along the journey of life, blessing me as flowers do (Some are daylilies and last for a short season - boosting an otherwise gloomy "day". And some are glorious perennials who are with me year after year - growing, blooming and mingling their scents with mine)
...and, for the two tiny, precious treasures named Austin and Megan
...and for THEIR great-grandparents (my parents) whose 60th wedding anniversary would have been today. Thank you, God, that I know they await us in heaven!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Children's Children...

My life was forever changed last October when my two grandchildren were born three days apart. Ever since then, I've been struggling to be in several places at the same time... both physically and mentally. When I'm at my home, I am mentally wanting to be in Texas, visiting with them and their parents in their homes. When we are able, we do what we did this past weekend - pack up and drive across two states to be with them physically!


Justin and Baby Megan, on the left
Matthew and Baby Austin, on the right
These alert and active babies are just over 3 months old!!!

We two grandparents with our sweet granddaughter and her parents

We two grandparents with our precious grandson and his parents

Our grandson - Austin David Allison

Our granddaughter - Megan Ashley Allison

We enjoyed being together for the weekend at Matthew and Annette's house in Houston. We were willing to split our time and drive north through Weatherford to visit with Justin, Rachel, and Megan... but they made the ultimate sacrifice and drove the 4.5 hours to Houston, so we were all able to be together in one place. I am so thankful that we were able to see the babies together like this while they are still little babies. They are growing up so quickly, and are changing every day! Such sweet babies...

These two precious sweethearts sure didn't make it easy for us to head home!

Praise God for two such wonderful and beautiful blessings!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thankful List...

In continuing to add to my Thankful List, I must always begin by restating my thankfulness for the love of God, and the gift of His Son Christ Jesus - His free gift of salvation. In addition, I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as Comforter and Encourager, and more.

This week, I am thankful for opportunities:
1) to visit with our sons and their families in TX
2) to freely worship God in a church of our choosing
3) to live in this country, the USA
4) to share life with my spouse
5) to access the written word, without regulation
6) to know and have friendships with other Christians around me
7) to bring my needs, and those of others, to the Lord in prayer
8) to know the one, true God

I realize I am extremely blessed, and plan to share these blessings - not hoard them.

" I will praise the name of God with song
And magnify Him with thanksgiving."

PSALM 69:30


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday's Thankfulness...

I’m so thankful this week for many things…

1) Sunshine
2) Photos of grandchildren, shared by their parents
3) Caring friends
4) Work to do
5) My vehicle
6) Moody Christian Radio
7) My copy of the Bible
8) My new washer and dryer
9) My family

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever."

1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Little things left behind...

One tiny little sock...
one pink and white pacifier...
one blue bottle brush...

I have to admit, I love my little collection. : )

While the grandchildren were here visiting (Megan came at Thanksgiving, and Austin came at Christmas)... we had such good times. I loved holding the babies, smelling their hair, and kissing their toes. And I even enjoyed their crying and diaper changes.

It's all so exciting! Having grandchildren is so much more than we expected... and so much more than we could have imagined. Mike and I were so thrilled to anticipate their coming, but our feelings now simply cannot be described. All I can say is...

We have


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I have been keeping a Thankful List for a couple of years now, and this is a continuation of that list...

On this day, I am very thankful that there is a God, and that He has made Himself known to me. I am thankful that He has a plan for me, and that He sent His Only Begottten Son to pay the price for my sin. I am thankful for forgiveness in Him.

I’m also thankful for:
1. Friends who will pray for me - supporting me in the best way possible
2. A son living at home with me - giving me purpose while my husband travels.
3. A home to live in - keeping us warm and dry, and so much more
4. My view through our fence - a neighbor’s holly bush has berries that are still bright red and quite beautiful
5. The Entrekin family who came to my rescue Monday morning - the four of them helped get David into our van and headed to the ER quickly
6. David’s diagnosis of “just” a UTI, and not something more serious
7. My children and grandchildren - giving me so much JOY

"Give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. "


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Missing in Action

I know. I've been missing in action. I've been away from almost everything , not just my blogging. Wanna see the reason why? : )

Take a look at these two beautiful grandchildren of mine - that ought to explain it!!! : )

My grandchildren are 2 1/2 months old now!
I was blessed when my pretty little granddaughter Megan came to visit me for Thanksgiving!
And I was blessed again a month later when my active little grandson Austin came to visit me for Christmas! Oh what JOY!